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Mother’s Day Mimosas

Mother’s Day in the year 2020 will be vastly different from any previous year that I’ve been a mother.  I am not a big fan of cooking and Mother’s Day has always been one of my favorite days to dine out.  After all, I get to make the decision of where to go, no questions asked.  Should we do brunch at the local farmhouse restaurant?  Lunch in Philly?  Dinner at my favorite Mexican joint?  All three?  

This year most of us will be celebrating Mother’s Day at home.  Many of us will be able to walk outdoors but have to celebrate with extended family via Zoom.  Some moms will be risking their lives as nurses, doctors and other first responders, and lots of them won’t get to be with their children. It’s all so surreal.  On the holiday that celebrates mothers, we mothers don’t get to do what we want. And there are SO many moms who really need a break this year.  Some time alone to do whatever the heck they want.

There are tons of restaurants out there, barely hanging on, that are promoting Mother’s Day take out meals.  I hope they all do a bang up business.  The advantage for moms like me with kids in college is that they are both home, and my daughter has offered to cook.  Well, she offered because I asked her to.  So even though I would love to be out at a champagne brunch or our local Mexican place for Mother’s Day, I will have the privilege of having my meals specially prepared to my personal specifications.  And I don’t have to leave a tip!

If you are able to pick up champagne this weekend, I have a yummy mimosa for you to enjoy during brunch, lunch or dinner.  It’s called a Hawaiian Mimosa.  I’m still not over my canceled trip to Maui.

Hawaiian Mimosa

12 oz each apricot nectar and pineapple juice

I can frozen orange juice concentrate

¾ cup water

1 (750 ml) champagne of choice

Combine apricot nectar and pineapple juice, then add the thawed orange juice concentrate and water.  Before serving, add the champagne and garnish with pineapple chunks.

For a single drink-

1 oz each apricot nectar and pineapple juice

2 oz orange juice

5-6 oz champagne

Pour all ingredients into a champagne flute and garnish with a pineapple chunk.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.  I am in awe of the moms with young kids having to deal with the 24/7 care of their kids.  Let’s all stay safe and healthy so next year when we’re back at our favorite restaurants we can reminisce about the months we were stuck at home in 2020. We will have a lot of things to talk about. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Fran Tunno

    YUM!!! I love apricot nectar. I have some mango juice, I may just have to mix my champagne with that! You have inspired me. Who says a mimosa has to only be with orange juice? Happy Mother’s Day Monica! Enjoy!

    1. Monica

      I agree, Fran, mimosas are versatile and mango juice is an excellent idea! Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

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