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A Tale of Two Cocktails

A basic search for “patriotic cocktails” on Pinterest will yield pages and pages of red, white and blue sangrias, slushies and Jello shots.  Never one to turn down a challenge (or a martini), I tried to make the layered Kinky Blue bomb pop I found there.

The drink I tried to make
The drink I tried to make

Although I have enjoyed making cocktails for years at numerous parties and events, I haven’t exactly perfected the art of layering liquids.  Logic dictates that you pour the heaviest ingredient first, then proceed to each level with the lighter ones.  I tried pouring the clear level (a mixture of peach vodka and white cranberry juice) on top of the red (grenadine) level over the back of a spoon, but everything just seemed to mix together.  Even though my bomb pop didn’t come close to looking like the one in the picture, I bravely soldiered on and added the Kinky Blue liqueur on top of my red/clear mixed-together level.  My martini became one sloppy level of undetermined color, a kind of light purple.  Never one to waste good alcohol, I just mixed it all together with that worthless spoon and tasted my creation.  I was underwhelmed to say the least, surely because of the grenadine more than anything else.  A little bit of that overly sweet ingredient goes a really long way.  So as much as I hate wasting ANYthing, especially booze, I actually did dump that experiment down the drain.  As a  consolation to myself (and considering I was dying to try something with the blue liqueur), I put together a delightful mixture of Kinky Blue, peach vodka and white cranberry juice.  It didn’t have the patriotic colors I had sought, but it was a tasty combination of berry and fruit flavors.  And it was blue.  Which is a color on the American flag, so I am still declaring it a 4th of July drink.

The drink I ended up with.
The drink I ended up with.

I’m calling this the Kinky Blue Sparkler.   Here’s the recipe-

2 oz Kinky Blue liqueur

1 oz peach vodka

3 oz white cranberry juice

Club soda

Pour the first three ingredients into a tall glass with ice, then top with a splash of club soda.  Enjoy!

And for those of you who would rather drink something less blue but still want to get into the 4th of July holiday spirit, how about a Very Berry Mojito?  This drink has it all for a patriotic holiday- raspberry rum, the lime and mint of a mojito, and perhaps most importantly, red and blue fruit.  I used the Rose’s mojito mix, which includes most of the flavors you need for a great mojito, but if you can get a hold of some fresh mint leaves, they really make the drink.  This fruity mojito is delish and will be a big hit at your 4th of July party.

Very Berry Mojito
Very Berry Mojito

Very Berry Mojito

3 oz Bacardi raspberry rum

2 oz Rose’s mojito mix

Reallime juice

Fresh lime and mint leaves

Club soda

Fresh blueberries and strawberries

Fill a tall glass with ice, add a few torn mint leaves on top (if you have them), then squeeze a fresh lime onto the leaves.  I also add about an ounce of Reallime juice for some tartness.  Pour in the raspberry rum and mojito mix, then top with the club soda.  Add the fresh berries and enjoy.

If neither of these satisfy your patriotic craving, (what???) then you’ll have to head on over to Pinterest, although you’ll use up precious drinking time.  Here’s the link to the Kinky line of beverages- I am going to have to do some more experimenting and will keep you posted on any fabulous cocktails I create!