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Pineapple Upside Down Martini

Pineapple Upside Down Martini

You may not think Thanksgiving and pineapples go hand in hand, but they do for me.  Years ago when we took a crazy road trip from Pennsylvania to Florida for Thanksgiving weekend (yes, I said weekEND, we were there for four days), I discovered a delightful cocktail from my sister-in-law, the pineapple upside down martini.  We experimented with lots of cocktails that weekend, but this one stayed with me, and it is forever linked with Thanksgiving.

It’s also one of the cocktails included in my new e-book, It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Cocktails, which is available now exclusively as an e-book on Amazon.  I mentioned in my last post that I had some big news, and this is it- I PUBLISHED A COCKTAIL RECIPE BOOK!!  I have been wanting to create one for so long and I’ve finally achieved my goal.  It’s nowhere near as impressive as having a novel published, but it’s a start for me. Best thing is, it was super fun putting it together.

For the longest time I debated whether I should try to go the traditional way of querying publishing houses, but my research told me that unless I could come up with a very unique angle, nobody would be interested.  And I tried and tried to come up with something unique, but every idea I had was already a published book on Amazon.  So I just decided that I would self publish a collection of my favorite recipes, some newly created and some from this blog.  The recipes may not be for everyone, but I’m betting that there are plenty of people out there that could benefit from my drinks.  That’s right, I am saving the world one cocktail at a time.  That’s me- your personal cocktail provider.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Check out the book at this link and enjoy the below drink this holiday weekend.  I Hope you’re having a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family.
Pineapple Upside Down Martini
2 oz vanilla vodka
3 oz pineapple juice
Pour the vodka and pineapple juice in a cocktail shaker with ice.  Shake and strain into a martini glass with a few drops of grenadine at the bottom.