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Skinny Colada

Hawaii Five-O – Let’s Go!

Well, folks, unless you’ve had your head in the sand for the last few weeks, it seems the world is going to end.  All you have to do is touch any surface that has been touched by another human being in the last two weeks and voila!  You are toast.  At least that is what the germaphobes are all jabbering about.  Even I, a professed non-germaphobe, am starting to get concerned about the spread of the virus and am conscious of everything I do regarding personal hygiene.  But I refuse to be one of those people who continually rattle off every statistic or tell people what they should or should not be doing in the wake of this epidemic.  I certainly won’t be telling anyone that they should postpone a vacation that they have had planned FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR if they are going to a place where there is no serious threat of the virus being spread.

That’s right, in two weeks I will be traveling to the beautiful island of Maui.  We are joining our good friends for a week of sun and fun, and God forbid anyone tries to stop me.

I’m not saying that the Coronavirus is not a serious, potentially life-threatening health scare, but c’mon people- let’s all calm the hell down.  Use your common sense and wash your hands thoroughly and often.  Stay away from China, Italy and the other compromised countries for now.  There’s no need to buy up every roll of toilet paper you can find.  It’s not the end of the world!!

If there has ever been a time when people need to enjoy a cocktail or two from the safety of their own homes, it’s now.  So in anticipation of the trip I’m not canceling, I have been researching the best Hawaiian cocktails, as well as some top- rated restaurants and cocktail spots on the island.  I found the drinks I expected, the Mai Tais and Blue Hawaiians, and some other interesting drinks that are indigenous to Hawaii.  But the one I’m passing on to you is called the Hawaii Five-O, which I found on the menu of a restaurant in Florida a few years ago.  I kept the name and made up my own drink.

So whether you are quarantined at home or chilling on the beach- stay calm and have a cocktail!

Hawaii Five-O
1 oz white rum
1 oz banana rum
1 oz spiced rum
2 oz pineapple juice
2 oz mango puree

1 oz orange juice

Pour all ingredients into a tall glass with ice and garnish with a chunk of pineapple.  Mahalo and enjoy!